Chipotle corn salsa recipe

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make something tasty and famous chipotle, corn salsa which you will definitely love.

About the dish

The Chipotle corn salsa recipe is one of the best recipes that you can try . This dish is super delicious and refreshing. This provides you the refreshing taste of corn and vegetables which you will surely love the roasted flavors of the vegetables. Add the flavor and texture to the dish. The other ingredients hold up the dish, especially the base ingredients.

All the ingredients come together to give you an amazing taste and texture which you will surely love. This dish is all about combining the refreshing flavors with the other ingredients to give a balanced texture and flavor to the dish. Also, this dish is one of the simple dishes that you can make nothing to complicate it, but yet too delicious and unique.

You can make different experiments with dishes  but today we are going to make it simple with authentic taste. we will just combine the basic ingredients with the classic taste to make it authentic in taste and flavor and texture. Also in today’s recipe we will make it super easy for you to follow the steps and the basic methods that you have to understand to make it perfect. So let’s start.

Details of the dish

Preparation Time25 Minutes
Cooking Time20 Minutes
Total Time45 Minutes
Servings8 to 9 Servings


The ingredients  you need to make chipotle, corn, salsa recipe red, onions, frozen, corn, roasted poblano Pepper, jalapeño pepper, fresh, cilantro, lemon juice, lime juice, tortilla, chips, and salt and pepper.

Five Reasons to make this dish 

  1. Easy to make
  2. Quick recipe
  3. Refreshing
  4. Balanced flavors
  5. Unique combination of flavors

Preparation steps

1. Choosing the Corn

Choosing the corn is one of the most important steps in this recipe as it is the core ingredient of the dish which is combining the flavors of the dish and also giving the dish a shape to hold the flavors very nicely. We are using frozen corn here but make sure that the corns are of good quality which can hold the flavors very nicely and add the texture and the required taste for the dish. If your corn is not on point, then it will ruin the overall taste and texture of the dish.

2. Cooking the corn

Now you have to cook the corn first, take a bowl of the saucepan , then you have to add water in it then you have for 1 to 2 minute the water in it came to a boil after that you have to add your frozen corns, then you have to add salt and boiled until it is cooked it. It will roughly take 5 to 7 minutes. After that you have to take another bowl. Add a cool water, and you have to take the corns out directly to the cold water so that the temperature goes down and we get the consistency of the cold that we want for our dish. After this process, you have to spread it on the baking sheet to cool down the corn that you have cooked.

3. Choosing the peppers

First, you have to choose the correct and fresh papers for your dish so that it can add the texture and the flavors that you want to add to your dish. Also it can hold the taste of the other ingredients and combine with them beautifully so that the overall flavors are very much balanced and the texture is on point that you want in your dish.

4. Preheating the oven 

Preheating the oven is one of the most important steps that you have to follow to roast your pepper nicely. It is very important that you have to preheat your oven so that the process of roasting the peppers Is done perfectly. So you have to preheat the oven at 400 degrees for 5 to 7 minutes.

5. Preparing the baking sheet

Now you have to take a baking tray then you have to grease oil on it that you have to add the butter paper and grease oil on the butter paper as well after that you have to cut the paper into half and then you have to cut the half into another half and put on the baking paper in the single line. And grease oil on it.

6. Roasting the peppers 

After that, you have to roast the peppers until it is roasted completely and the screen of the peppers is black or brown in color. It will take 35 to 38 minutes. After that you have to take it out in a bowl and cover it with foil paper or clear paper. After that 10 to 15 minutes you will see that the skin of the peppers is completely off from the peppers. You have to peel the skin and cut it into roughly chopped pieces.

7. Roasting the corn

For roasting the corn you have to preheat the oven for 5 to 7 minutes at 375 degrees. Now you have to do the same with the baking tray that you had done for the peppers. Firstly grease the baking tray with oil, then add butter paper and grease the butter paper as well. After that you have to add the cons, make sure that they are not crowded so that it can be cooked nicely.

8. Roasting the corn

After that, you have to bake the corn for 37 to 40 minutes until it is golden brown. After that you have to take it out in a bowl and keep it aside to cool down.

9. Combining the ingredients

Now you have to take a large bowl. Add your roasted corns which is cooled down, the jalapeños and roasted poblano peppers fresh cilantro, lime juice, lemon juice red onion, which is roughly chopped now you have to mix it well make sure that the ingredients are combined very well so that it can combine the flavors of each other and complement the dish overall.


Now you have to take a bowl and add your prepared salsa, then you have to add tortilla chips on the side of it or on a different plate to serve it. Now it’s ready to eat.

Pro tip

All the ingredients should be cooled down when you are mixing it to provide the required taste of the dish.

Excellence tips

  1. Use good quality ingredients
  2. Roast the corn perfectly.
  3. Roast roast the peppers perfectly
  4. When you are combining all the ingredients make sure that the ingredients are cool in temperature so that they can combine with each other very well.
  5. Use good quality tortilla chips to serve with it so that it can have the overall taste of the dish.

So this is the recipe for chipotle corn salsa . I hope you like it, you made it and you enjoy it as well. See you soon as soon as possible with a new and delicious recipe and lots of excitement.

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