Spinach dip recipe

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make something tasty and famous spinach dip which you will definitely love.

About the dish

This is one of the fresh and unique dips that you can try. It’s really easy to make the combination of the flavors really well balanced. Also the flavors of this dip compliment each other very well. This dip can be combined with your favorite snacks which makes this dip more fascinating. Spinach has a strong flavor which we all know and in this dish spinach is the core ingredient of this dish.

Spinach dip recipe

Also it holds the flavor, combines it very nicely and also gives the texture and the flavors which the dish needs. This dip is somewhat very unique and different from other dips as spinach, which is a vegetable, is the core ingredient and texture provider of this dip.

You can experiment with the recipe of the dip a lot according to your preference and the dish requirement. But today we are going to make the classic spinach dip with classic steps and classic ingredients to gain that classic taste which you all wanted to taste. Also we are going to discuss everything which is important for the dish and which is important to make this dish perfect in taste, texture and flavor wise. So this recipe will be a super fun recipe with super easy steps and easiest explanation about this so let’s get started.

Details of the dish

Preparation Time5 Minutes
Cooking Time2 Hours 20 Minutes
Total Time2 Hours 30 Minutes
Servings5 to 6 Servings


The ingredients you need to make spinach dip are spinach, sour, cream, mayonnaise, dry vegetable soup powder, water, Chestnut , green onions, and breads

Five Reason to make this dish 

  1. Easy to make
  2. Can be combined with many dishes
  3. Rich in texture
  4. Flavorful
  5. Balanced flavors

Preparations steps

1. Choosing the spinach

Choosing the spinach is one of the most initial steps that you have to follow to make this dish. Spinach is the core ingredient of the dip. So it is very important. that the spinach you are using is fresh and leafy. Spinach is the texture and flavor provider of the dish. So it is very important that you are choosing the fresh one. If you are not choosing it, then the overall texture of the dip will be ruined and you will not get the taste or texture that you are wanting to get.

2. Washing the spinach

As we are using the raw spinach in the dip, it is very important to wash the spinach with clear water to make sure that there is no dirt in the spinach. This step is very important as it ensures the quality of the dish and the spinach also which you are using in the dish. so don’t skip this step.

3. Cutting the spinach

Cutting the spinach is also one of the important steps that you have to Follow this step you have to roughly chopped, the spinach. Don’t finely chop the spinach because we want the rough bites of spinach.

4. Boiling the spinach

After cutting the spinach, you have to take a sauce packet, add water and you have to boil the spinach until it’s soft and cooked perfectly. After that you have to strain it and take it out in another bowl and mash it.

5. Choosing the green onions

Choosing the fresh green is one of the most important steps that you have to follow as it will add the crunch in the dip so make sure that you are choosing fresh and crunchy.

6. Cutting the green onions

You have to roughly cut the green onions as we want the crunch in the dip of the green onions so make sure that you are not finely chopping it. It will ruin the texture and the crunch of the dish.

7. Use heavy cream

Using heavy cream is one of the important and major steps that you have to follow as it is the combining ingredient. Make sure that you are using Sour heavy cream so that it is not affecting the major flavors much but it is combining the flavors very beautifully and giving the dish the nice balance which you want in your dish.

8. Washing and chopping water chestnuts

You have to wash the water chestnut with Clearwater then you have to finely chop the water chestnut as it is the requirement of the dish .

9. Combining the ingredients

Now you have to take a bowl and add your sour cream, then you have to add mashed spinach, chestnuts , spring onions, the dry vegetable soup powder, mayonnaise, salt and pepper according to your taste and you have to mix it very well. Make sure that your ingredients are combined with each other very well. Now you have to cover the bowl with clear paper or foil paper.

10. Freezing the dip

So for setting the ingredients and combining the flavors of the ingredients with each other, we have to freeze the dip mixture in the refrigerator for two hours or two hours 15 minutes in the normal cooling section. so that the flavors get combined with each other very well and also it is able to set the flavors very well.

11. Choosing the bread

We are serving roasted bread with the dip. So make sure that you are using fresh and good quality bread for serving with your dip. It will enhance the flavor of the overall dish and also give a flavor and texture that you want in your dish.

12. Roasting the bread

For roasting the bread you have to take a pan, then you have to add 1 teaspoon of butter. After that you have to cut your bread in the size you want to serve with your dip. After that you have to add your bread and you have to just eat it. Don’t cook it for a long time; you just have to heat the bread so that it is warm and can be served with a cool dip.


On a white plate, you have to add your breads then in a tiny bowl serve your spinach dip. Now you can add fresh cream on the top of the dip to decorate it and make it more beautiful and it is ready to eat.

Pro tip 

Use heavy sour cream for the dip so that you can enhance the quality of the texture.

Excellence tips

  1. Use fresh spinach.
  2. Use fresh and good quality breads.
  3. Set the dip mixture for the required time.
  4. Use heavy sour cream for combining the ingredients.
  5. Set the spinach dip mixture for the required time which is mentioned in the preparation steps.

So this is the recipe recipe for spinach dip. I hope you like it, you made it and you enjoy it as well. see you soon as soon as possible with a new and delicious recipe and lots of excitement.

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