Butter Beans

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make tasty and super easy butter Beans which you will definitely love.

About The Dish

Butter beans is one of the classic and delicious recipes you can try .The creamy texture of butter beans make this dish more royal and also make this dish super good in its taste and presentation. This is one of the easiest recipes that you can try, which will give you the royal taste of butter.

Butter Beans

As the name suggests the dish has two star ingredients. One is butter and one is beans. The base of this cuisine is beans and the texture of this is butter. Overall, it is really easy and tasty that you can try. You will surely love it.

Details Of This Dish

Preparation time15 Minutes
Cooking time 1 Hour
Total time 1 Hour 45 minutes
Servings12 Servings


The ingredients you need to make butter beans are one large cup of Lima beans, onion, garlic, creole seasoning, red pepper, black pepper, bay leaves, butter, 1 cup of chicken optional.

Five Reasons To Try Butter Beans

  1. Has a royal taste and texture
  2. Easy to make
  3. The combination of flavors are really balanced
  4. Can be eaten with variety of items
  5. The ingredients are easily available

Preparation Steps

1. Washing the beans

Firstly, you have to take a large bowl then add the lima beans and wash the beans really nicely with water for 1 to 2 times to remove the dust and this step is really important as this gives the initial purity to the dish. So do this step carefully.

2. Cooking the beans

For cooking the beans. Take a saucepan. Add the beans and soak the beans with one and half cup of water. Remember that the beans should be soaked properly in the water and heat it until the water starts boiling then cover the lid of the pan. and cook it until the beans are cooked. It will roughly take 45 to 50 minutes. Cooking the beans is one of the easy but important steps in this dish . We should carefully ensure that the beans are not overcooked or undercooked.

3. Straining the beans

Now, after cooking the beans, you have to cool it down for some time and then strain the beans from the saucepan with the help of a strainer and remove all the water.

4. Making the base

Now the next step is to take a saucepan, add butter, garlic and onion. Cook it for sometime then add the cooked beans that you had cooked earlier. Now mix it nicely then add the seasonings , red pepper, and black pepper. Now mix it well, and cook it until the beans are cooked properly with the base of this dish. Now add more butter to make it creamy. Remember you should use unsalted butter because we are adding the seasoning.


In a large bowl, serve your hot butter beans with a spoon of butter with fresh bread or anything with your choice garnish it with black pepper if you want. And your butter beans are ready to eat.

Excellence Tips

  1. Wash the beans properly before cooking. Make sure that there is no dirt in it.
  2. When you are boiling the beans, don’t boil it for more or less time. Boil it for the required time to avoid over cooking or under cooking the beans.
  3. For good texture and taste add a healthy amount of butter when you are cooking because the base of this dish is butter and it is the soul of this dish as well . Also the butter adds the creamy texture and the richness to the dish so you have to add it in healthy amounts to have the classic taste.
  4. Don’t overcook the base, the butter burns very fast so add the other ingredients of the dish and the beans in quick time so that your base is properly made.
  5. Don’t cook the beans in the base for a large amount of time then the beans will not taste as good as they are supposed to. So cook the beans for the required time in which the beans soaks the flavors and were not overcooked as well.

Pro tip

Serve your butter beans when it’s hot . This dish tastes more delicious and the flavorful at that time.

So this is one of the simple and delicious recipes for butter beans. Hope you will like it and make it and you will also enjoy it a lot. Thank you very much. See you soon as soon as possible with another recipe and excitement.

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