Almond nut cake recipe

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make a tasty and fluffy almond nut cake which you will definitely love. About the dish Almond nut cake recipe is one of the most delicious and easiest recipes. You can make a fluffy and soft cake which melts in … Read more

Enoki Mushroom Recipe

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make a tasty and classic Enoki mushroom which you will definitely love. About The Dish Enoki mushrooms are not well seen in the day to day food habits but it’s a really nice and tasty mushroom in the mushroom category. … Read more

Rockfish Recipe

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make a tasty and fresh rockfish recipe  which you will definitely love. About The Dish Rockfish is one of the most famous fishes in the seafood sector. it is soft, fresh and blends with ingredients very well which makes this … Read more

Honey Bun Cake

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make a tasty and fluffy honey bun cake which you will definitely love. About The Dish Honey bun cake is the classic and one of the most simple cake recipes. The flavors are simple but blended very well which makes … Read more

Butter Beans

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make tasty and super easy butter Beans which you will definitely love. About The Dish Butter beans is one of the classic and delicious recipes you can try .The creamy texture of butter beans make this dish more royal and … Read more

Coconut Cake

Hey foodies, Welcome to your one stop recipe center panellasdeli today we are going to make a tasty and fluffy coconut cake which you will definitely love. About The Dish Coconut cake is one of the supreme recipes with a really easy preparation technique. Coconut cake has a beautiful soothing flavor which is the speciality … Read more